CF-100 Restored to Fly?

After seeing the privately owned Sea Harrier wow the crowd during the latest instalment of the Toronto International Air Show, one has to wonder why there isn’t a fully restored CF 100 flying in Canada.  With so many jet fighters restored and flying throughout North America and Europe, I think its time  the venerable Avro CF-100 take to the skies.  This of course will require a major restoration and a lot of money. But the infastructure, expertise and cash is all out there.  Even the government could help.  A little crazy I know, but after spending $20 million telling us how great the War of 1812 was, I’m sure they could throw a few loonies into the pot.  Instead of a just a media buy,  investing in a living, breathing, flying piece of Canadian history would be a no-brainer.  And there’d be a few jobs to boot. As Canada’s only fighter design to see production, the CF-100 is a shining example of this countries ability to produce an all-weather fighter from scratch.  It was a remarkable achievement and one that should be celebrated with a flying example.  Indeed, Vintage Wings of Canada has an Orenda powered Sabre Mk 5 and the Jet Aircraft Museum in London, Ontario has six Lockheed T-33s.  Operating a vintage jet fighters fighter has been proven.  The question is, will the CF-100 be next?

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