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Spitfire V vs. C.202 Folgore 1942-43 Cover

My newest book, Spitfire V vs. C.202 Folgore, will be available in April/2013.  The cover artwork created by Gareth Hector is now complete.  The combat scenes are described below. Spitfire VC cover art Future ranking Malta ace Sgt George Beurling claimed his fifth and six victories in defence of the beleaguered island on 10 July […]

Bombardier C Series First Flight!

Predicting what the airline market will look like in future is a mug’s game.  The only thing you can do is try and create a future.  One in which innovation, leading edge technology , bold aspirations and a bit of luck can put you ahead of the rest.  That’s exactly what Bombardier did today with […]

Print – Alive and Kicking!

For those who believe the death of the magazine is upon us I would like to turn your gaze to The Aviation Historian.   In today’s climate of declining book and magazine sales the idea of a new publication hitting the stands seems a little well, dicey.  Published by the team of Nick Stroud and […]
