
Archive by Author

Air Combat 1945. New book available in September!

Air Combat 1945 features over 300 black & white and colour photographs with detailed captions chronicling the last eight months of aerial combat in World War II.  It includes all the major combatants: Britain, Canada, USA, Germany, Russia, Italy, and Japan.  A must for World War II buffs, scholars, historians and modellers.  Published by Stackpole […]

New Cockpit Book!

Dan Patterson and I have embarked on a new cockpit book project.  The publisher is Zenith Press and the title is, Fighting Cockpits – World War I to the Present.  It will feature 50 cockpits, archival photos and hopefully a pilot’s perspective for each cockpit.  Most of the cockpits will be shot in the USAAF […]

Who Killed the First Jet Fighter?

Many consider the Messerschmitt Me 262 to be the world’s first jet fighter.  Two years before the Me 262 took to the air there was another jet fighter that was in fact the first – it was the Heinkel He 280.  ‘Who Killed the First Jet Fighter’ is a two part series now showing at Aerocinema.com. […]

Road Trip to Vintage Wings.

Here with Mike Potter, founder of Vintage Wings of Canada.  I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike and fellow Vintage Wings display pilot Rob Erdos last Thursday at their Gatineau airport hanger.  The interviews are for an upcoming program on the Hawker Hurricane for Aerocinema.com.  The Hurricane in the background is the Mk IV version, […]