April 1st 1945. Germany is on the brink of utter defeat. To gain time and prepare their defenses the Germans needed to slow the Soviet advance. The bridges over the Vistula and Oder had to be destroyed. The question was, how? The new Mistel composite aircraft was not one of Hitler’s so called “wonder weapons”. […]
Tag Archives: Bf 109

Book Launch! Monday June 20th.
Join me Monday June 20th at the Federal Restaurant 1438 Dundas St West, Toronto for the launch of Fighting Cockpits. Festivities start at 7:30.

Fighting Cockpits available June 1st.

New Book Available June 1st
Fighting Cockpits features 50 of some the most feared and revered cockpits from World War I to the present. Book launch coming soon!

The Stinger’s Tail
See my new documentary, The Stinger’s Tail on Aerocinema.com. This program details the development of the self-defending bomber, air gunners and the evolution of the powered aircraft turret.