New Review for Air Combat 1945

Just received a great review from John Patterson of Oklahoma, City.  John has bought several of my books and had some kind words for Air Combat 1945 – ‘I recently received the copy of Air Combat 1945 and must say that I have been fascinated with it. I cannot imagine how you have been able […]

‘Too Close for Comfort’

On Thursday Sept 4th I had the pleasure of interviewing the world’s greatest pilot, Capt Eric Brown RN (Ret.), about his new book ‘Too Close for Comfort.’  The book chronicles his close shaves and bailouts during his amazing flying career.

Last Dogfights of World War II

August 15, 1945 just hours before the Japanese surrender broadcast, the last two dogfights of World War II occurred above and around Tokyo Bay.  The American’s claim it was the Hellcats from US Navy squadron VF-88, the British say it was the Seafires from the 24th Naval Fighter Wing.  Both groups of fighters encountered Japanese […]

Ottawa Cockpit Photo Trip

Just returned from Trenton and Ottawa.  Had the pleasure of helping Dan Patterson shoot cockpit photographs for our up coming cockpit book – Fighting Cockpits World War I to the Present.  Shot the German World War I bomber AEG IV, along with the Hawker Hind, AV-8 Harrier, Lysander and world’s only complete Halifax bomber.  Can […]
